Saturday, April 26, 2014

1000 SONGS - DAY 311 SONG # 342

DAY 311:  Two of Bob's Mainstream US "Rock-Ballads"

Back in the late 70ies and early 80ies Bob Segers more ballad-like songs were on something like constant air-play (at least I remember it like that). They really fit well with todays mood, a rainy saturday in spring, and, I heard "Still the Same" when shopping, a song written by Bob Seger and to be found on his 1978 album "Stranger in Town". That's why I put it here. The other one, from Bob Seger's  1982 album "The Distance" was written by Rodney Crowell. It is relatively hard, if not impossible, to find a decent video featuring those tracks on UTUBE.

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