Sunday, February 25, 2018

1000 SONGS DAY 368 - SONG #399


In the northern part of Upper and Lower Austria, there is a not too benevolent saying: „a Czech is either a thief or a musician“. The first prejudice being the usual prejudice of people living at the border held on people on the other side of the border, we can (and have to) ignore it.  The later one is not so much a prejudice, but has a sound basis in the abilities of our friends from Moravia and Bohemia. Many of them had to immigrate to the Americas in those harden times, when they were severely challenged by bad labour conditions, draught, economic downfall and Austrian politics. Some of them went to the region now known as Texas. They took their popular music with them and “syncretised” it with other forms of popular music available. Trikont records did a 3 volumes edition of songs from this musical tradition. Here are three tracks from Vol. 1.

First one is Corn Cockle Polka by Vrazels & Majecks & Bobby Jones Czech Band

Next one is: Oh Susanna Schottische by Ray Baca and His Orchestra

Third one: Krasna America by Adolph Hofner

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