Monday, December 24, 2018

1000 SONGS - DAY 374 SONGS #407

Day 374: A Song About Going Home in a Car at Night

Frederick John Elgersma, better known as Fred Eaglesmith, a guy  from Canada does music that is commonly labelled as "Alternative Country". There are acoustic recordings of him close to Bluegrass (with a band called the Flathat Noodlers) and recordings that sound more like "Country-Rock" or something like that (with, e.g., the Flying Squirrels). In his songs he tells stories about farming (he grew up on a farm, the 9th child to his parents) or people living at the edge, he uses many perspectives, plot-twists a.t.l. In his stage shows he mixes in stories he tells and jokes he makes between the tracks the band plays. He seems to be a great guy. Here is a live version of "Your Sister Cried", and, for the sake of completeness, the studio version of this song (although I do like the live version much more.
This song is like a scene from a movie. When listening to it I remember similar scenes in a car in the night somewhere between lower Austria and Styria. We do not know, why the girl cried, what the conversation on the telephone was about or from where those people drove away when heading "home". Something happened that led to the scene described. Most of us will have been in a situation like this one. And Fred has put it into words, simple, trenchant, and poignant:

Well, I stared out of the windshield into the rain soaked night
I turned on my dims, somebody flashed me their brights
And I reached over and turned the radio way down low
Your sister cried all the way home

Lightening crashed, and the road shone like a mirror
A dog come out of the ditch, then he just disappeared
And I remembered a conversation we once had on the phone
Your sister cried all the way home

I'll never know how you got into such a mess
Why do the bridesmaids all have to wear the same dress?
Everybody said you looked real good
But I think that you just looked stoned

Your sister cried all the way home

As far as I understand, one of the Ginn sisters that are featured here, Tif Ginn, is his partner in life.
And it is Kori Heppner on drums - I really like her drumming.

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